You can also listen to podcast episode 42 “Ways To Strengthen Sexual Intimacy During The Holidays”
There is something about the Christmas Season. The lights everywhere, the snowflakes, the cold that makes you want to snuggle up with your spouse. Comfy pajamas and blankets… cuddling by the fire. It all just is magical and makes me think of when we first fell in love, and those days when you always wanted to get naked and make love all the time!

To get that magical feeling back for Christmas, we decided to put a list together of 15 date ideas that are sure to get you in the mood to cuddle and be intimately romantic. If you have kids, it is time to send them to Grandmas for a night or two this month.
PLUS.. We created the sexiest, most romantic 12 days of Christmas countdown tags to go along with a sexy little gift you can give your spouse early! You will love these cute tags/tickets and the cute ideas there are for each day building up to Christmas. The holidays really are all about being with the ones we love. Your spouse should be first on your priority list!
You can download these cute tags on the Ultimate Intimacy App on your phone, under Resources, and then Printables. Download the free app on the app stores or go to:

Decorate the house together… naked!
Now why wouldn’t you want to decorate the house together for the holidays? It is so much better with your best friend. You might even decide that you need a little break in between 😉 Don’t forget to hang the mistletoe and find yourselves both standing under it on purpose once in a while.

Recreate your first romantic date during the Holidays.
We all had that first Christmas together, things were magical, and so passionate right? What is it that you did for that first memorable Christmas date? This is a great time of year to reminisce and recreate that romantic time in your life. Make sure you talk all about it and relive every single moment if you can.

Have a romantic Christmas movie night and cuddle up in blankets together… preferably naked.
Naked is always best, leads to physical and sexual intimacy which is so important for your marriage but often gets neglected. There is nothing better than naked movie night, (or at least thats what we think) just cuddling each other, feeling each others bodies for a whole two hours! You are bound to want to stop the movie half way in between!
Have a gingerbread decorating evening together. Use conversation starters while doing so and talk all about intimate memories from the past year.
Conversation is key in a good marriage and especially during the busy holiday season. Time is love, and there is nothing better than connection with conversation while eating candy AND being creative!
Drive around and look at Christmas lights while listening to some Holiday music.
Christmas lights are so fun to look at and really bring the Christmas spirit. Romantic music and the quietness from no kids in your car? What is better? Hold hands, talk and even park the car if you want! That will give your a memory you will never forget.

Have a snow filled play date. Find somewhere to go sledding or skiing. Don’t forget to flirt the whole time!
The snow is also magical. Make sure you dress up warm for this one. Spend time together playing. The couples that play together, stay together.

Attend a Christmas Music concert. Make sure to hold hands.
Find a concert, a movie, or a play or a symphony that you both will enjoy. Make sure to take some of your favorite treats!

Bake some Christmas Cookies or a romantic dinner together. Don’t forget to wipe a little frosting on your spouse’s face and lick it off!
Cooking together and baking together can actually be pretty intimate. Probably not when the kids are around but when it just the two of you, it can be an amazing date night. Make sure to light some candles after and turn off the lights to enjoy your treats or food. Every date can be intimate if you set the mood right!
Go shop for an intimate present together. Make sure to wear it later!
This is so fun and so so intimate. Trying on some lingerie in the dressing room together is sure to put you in the mood for later. Make sure that you both take turns!

Share some Christmas stories together… preferably naked.
So many Christmas stories to share, you can even come up with your own story, preferably sexy and romantic. You could even create that story if you want!
Write each other a Christmas Card expressing all the things you are grateful for about your spouse.
This is easy and so meaningful. Write your notes together and then read them to each other.
It would even be a fun date night to write on all your Christmas cards together and mail them out. Then it really is from the two of you.

Paint Holiday decorations on your spouse with edible paints, don’t forget to lick them off after!
Need some spice for the holidays? This one is sure to give you just that. You can use your art skills and your tasting skills 🙂 Here are some great links to some items we recommend.
Make a bucket list for the next of all the things you would like to try in the bedroom!
It’s almost the end of the year and it’s time to make those new year resolutions. What puts you in the mood to intimate more than talking about ways you want to be intimate? Get out a list and spend an hour talking about all the things you want to try next year! Make it the sexy bucket list of all bucket lists!
Serve your spouse with a romantic Holiday Breakfast in bed. They deserve it.
There is nothing better than staying in bed and getting served. Planning a breakfast for your spouse and getting up before they do shows how much you love them. Even better, eat together and make love after! What a way to start your day!

Take a Holiday Candle lit bubble bath together.
So romantic! Dim the lights, light some candles, grab some drinks, and climb into the bath tub together. This is a great place to unwind, get warm, have some good conversation and get romantic.
Taking the time to do these kinds of dates is really important during the Holiday Season. It is easy to get caught up in all the shopping, material stuff, baking, sending out cards, etc etc. Your spouse deserves for you to give them some good, quality, romantic time even if it is only 30 minutes a day. Anyone can spare 30 minutes for the one they love.
If you want to give your spouse a physical gift that will keep on giving, check out our printable 12 days of an intimate Christmas tags, paired along with our intimate stocking or intimacy box. Doesn’t even need to be a holiday to surprise your spouse with this amazing gift.

To download the tags, download the free Ultimate Intimacy app on google play or Apple. Go to the resource section and you will find it under printables. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss all our awesome printables, marriage tips and app updates!
Check out the Intimacy box HERE
You can select the card deck of your choice at checkout.
Romance/Sexy coupons, intimacy game, truth or dare, conversation starters or date night ideas!