It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of world events—rising inflation, wars across the globe, political unrest, strikes disrupting supply chains. The constant cycle of bad news can make anyone feel like the world is spinning out of control, while at the same time feeling helpless.
And while we may have good reason to feel anxious about these issues, the truth is, we can’t directly change most of them. We don’t have the power to lower inflation, end wars, or resolve political chaos. But there’s one area of life where we do have control—our marriages.
And that, my friend, is what you should be focusing on!
Check out the podcast episode we did titled: 305. Your Panicking About Everything In Life You Can’t Control, When You Should Be Panicking About The Things You Can Control… Like Your Marriage.
The Real Panic Button: Your Relationship
Sure, worrying about the world feels justified, but often it’s a distraction from what’s happening closer to home. In the midst of all the chaos, it’s easy to forget the most significant part of your life—your spouse and your marriage.
How often do you let stress from the world around you bleed into your relationship, creating tension, distance, or worse, neglect?
You can’t control the news and many of the things going on in the world, but you can control how you show up for your spouse each day. You can control how you love them, how you communicate, and how you nurture the bond that holds your life together.

Why Are We Focused on What We Can’t Control?
It’s human nature to focus on what feels uncertain or threatening, especially when the media constantly bombards us with negative stories. But this focus comes at a cost. When we spend all our time and energy worrying about inflation or political issues, we have less time and emotional energy to put into the things that actually matter in our everyday lives—like our relationships.
Our marriages often become the unintended victims of external stress. The energy we spend worrying about everything else could be better spent on growing a more intimate and fulfilling connection with our spouse. Instead of bringing those global worries into our home, we should focus on bringing love, patience, and support to the one person who matters most.
What Happens When You Don’t Prioritize Your Marriage
When you ignore what you can control (like your relationship), cracks begin to form. Small disagreements get blown out of proportion, intimacy fades, and emotional distance grows.
Before you know it, the marriage you promised to nurture and protect feels fragile and disconnected. The things you once took for granted—joyful conversations, shared laughter, and even affection—start to feel like distant memories.
This isn’t meant to scare you—okay, maybe just a little! Because if you’re going to panic about something, let it be the foundation of your marriage, not the things you have no say over. Unlike global events, you have the power to prevent and repair damage in your relationship.
How to Shift Your Focus Back to What You Can Control
So, how do you start focusing on what matters—on your spouse and your marriage—when the world feels so heavy? Here are some simple steps to get back on track:
1. Unplug and Reconnect
Make a conscious decision to limit how much news and social media you consume. Instead, use that time to focus on your relationship. Spend that time talking to your spouse about their day, listening to their thoughts, and enjoying each other’s company.
2. Invest in Emotional Intimacy
World events can make us feel emotionally distant and cold. Combat this by making a daily effort to connect emotionally with your spouse. Ask thoughtful questions. Listen without distractions. Share your thoughts and feelings. Emotional intimacy is the foundation of a strong marriage.
3. Take Charge of Communication
Rather than letting stress spill over into arguments or misunderstandings, take control of how you communicate. Be kind, patient, and understanding with each other. Recognize when the stress of external factors is influencing your reactions and find healthy ways to talk about it without damaging your bond.
4. Prioritize Intimacy
Sexual intimacy is often the first area to suffer when stress levels rise, but it’s also one of the most important aspects of a healthy marriage. Make it a priority. Find ways to reconnect physically, whether it’s through long hugs, holding hands, or scheduling time for more intimate moments.
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5. Show Gratitude
In the midst of uncertainty, gratitude can be a powerful antidote. Every day, take a moment to appreciate your spouse for who they are and what they bring to your life. When you’re grateful for each other, it’s easier to keep the little stresses of life from tearing you apart.
6. Teamwork in Marriage
Think of your marriage as a partnership. Just as you would team up to tackle financial goals or raise children, you should work together to keep your relationship thriving. Lean on each other during tough times, offering support, patience, and understanding when the outside world feels chaotic.

The Things You Can Control Are Worth the Panic
If you’re going to panic about anything, let it be about not showing up fully in your marriage. Let it be about the small signs of disconnection that may have started to creep in. Let it be about the missed opportunities to grow closer and strengthen your bond.
You can’t control what happens in the economy or the political landscape, but you can control whether you kiss your spouse goodnight, whether you listen to their concerns, and whether you make the effort to prioritize your relationship each day.
In Conclusion
The world will always have its crises. That’s just the reality of life. But while wars rage, elections come and go, and inflation rises and falls, your marriage is a constant—something that deserves your full attention and care.
Stop panicking about the things you can’t control, and start taking charge of the things you can. At the end of the day, what really matters is the love and connection you share with your spouse. It’s the foundation upon which everything else is built.
So, if you’re going to stress about something, let it be about nurturing the most important relationship in your life—your marriage. Because that’s something truly worth fighting for.
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