We are so excited to announce that we have a new card deck! The sex positions card deck!
We KNOW first hand that switching things up in the bedroom is not only fun…but so important for your marriage! Let me repeat that… It is so important!!!! If you know our personal story, I bought my husband a bedroom game after 15 years of being married. It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy with our sex life, it was that I wanted to try new things and our communication wasn’t very good about sexual intimacy. I didn’t know how to tell him that I wanted our bedroom fun to be a little more adventurous, but didn’t want to introduce anything that wasn’t appropriate or against either of our morals. We are against pornography in our relationship, and looking up anything on the internet is too scary if you don’t want to see certain things..
So I found a game with no pictures, just words describing positions to try and it changed our life! We soon realized that not only did there need to be an app for couples who wanted to make their sex life more adventurous, passionate and fun, but a safe space to be able to learn and try new things!
A year later the Ultimate Intimacy app was born! And 4 years later, we now have physical products for those of you who don’t want to be on your phones, or want to give a great gift to your spouse!
The great thing about the new Ultimate Intimacy positions are they are cute little bubble figures, no real images, and there are simple instructions on the backside of each card.
Each position card deck comes with 75 positions.
I found a great article on Dr. Wyatt Fishers Blog stated: “3 Reasons you should Vary your sex positions” You can read the whole article HERE
Dr. Fisher states: “A reason to try different sex positions is it’s healthy to have new experiences together as a couple. When couples experience new things together, no matter what it is, they often feel closer and more bonded. These new experiences can come from traveling to new countries, eating at new restaurants, or trying new sex positions. The key word here is new. Experiencing something new with your partner both in and outside the bedroom is a wonderful way to stay in love. In addition, trying new sex positions creates a sense of adventure. We are wired for adventure but often our modern day office job existence deprives us of it. Adventure brings with it adrenaline and risk, which can be extremely fun and memorable. Trying a variety of sex positions can infuse exciting feelings of adventure into your relationship without ever leaving your home!
In sum, varying things up in the bedroom will greatly benefit your relationship by optimizing pleasure, maintaining interests, and adding adventure.” Dr. Wyatt Fisher
When trying different sex positions it is important to remember a few things:
- Some positions work for some couples and don’t for others. Bodies are all built different. For most women, if there is not some clitoral stimulation, chances are she probably won’t orgasm with penetration alone. We recommend using a penis vibrating ring with deep penetration positions the Clitoris is still getting some attention. Positions like missionary or any guy on top position is great with this small but very handy little toy. You can find those in the shop HERE.
- Some positions take some time to get into. Remember that for most women, if it takes a few minutes too long, she might lose her focus, or her arousal. Make sure to keep touching each other when switching positions. Use your hands, kiss each other, massage a little and keep the passion going.
- Don’t forget that sometimes a position doesn’t work for either of you and you end up in giggles! Take your time to get aroused all over again which is the best part.. Sex is suppose to be enjoyed and not rushed!

- Don’t try anything that you can’t physically do. No one wants to get hurt during Sex!
- You can make all positions romantic and passionate, even if you are not able to kiss during it. Example, doggy style from behind positions you can’t really look at each other, or kiss each other. But what you can do is express your love during it, or husbands kiss her back!
- TALK about Sexual Intimacy in your marriage! You cannot have good sexual intimacy without talking about it often! If it’s hard for you to do then check out the sexual intimacy communication workbook.

Check out ultimateintimacy.com for the position packs, and don’t forget to check out all of our other card decks and the Ultimate Intimacy App!