You can also check out the Ultimate Intimacy Podcast episode 92. “Why Laughing And Humor Is So Important To Your Marriage And Long Term Well Being“
You’ve heard the saying “laughter is the best medicine” and for many reasons, that could be true. There are a lot of benefits of laughing together as a couple whether it’s a good movie, funny jokes, or memories. Humor in marriage helps keep those exciting feelings of being in love alive. Laughter also helps you feel happy (of course) and couples who laugh have a better perception of life. Some of the benefits of laughter Include:
- It strengthens your immune system
- Boosts your mood
- Reduces pain
- Reduces stress
Nothing brings your mind, spirit and body back into balance quicker than laughing.
When you laugh with your spouse and feel happy and good, your overall quality of live will significantly improve. People that have a sense of humor and laugh a lot have a different outlook on life and notice the happy and positive things. They look for the good in life.
One of my favorites shows is “Impractical Jokers”. You never know what they are going to say or do and you are always left wanting more. Millions of people watch them and although they never meet them, they feel a connection to them. It is no different with your spouse. When you joke around, play pranks on each other and do things to make each other laugh, embarrass them (in a good way) and have that playful humor, it adds excitement (and romance) to the relationship.

When life just kicks your butt laughter is a great escape. Sharing humor with your spouse can make the difficult and stressful times much easier. Laughing increases the flow of oxygen in the body, helps with your body’s stress response, and relieves tension in the body and helps us get through difficult times.
Think of your most happy and memorable times together as a couple. Chances are it including having alot of fun and probably alot of laughter. Laughter has a way of connecting you and obviously makes things alot of fun! This is why so many couples do game nights and other fun things with friends. People are also attracted to people that make them laugh.
Check out this wonderful Video about how “Love Needs Laughs”
- Boosts immune system
- Relaxes you
- Can help prevent heart disease
- Lowers stress levels
- Helps with pain
- Helps with mood
- Makes people happy
- Self confidence
- Shifts your perspectives
- Strengthens relationships
- People who laugh have better emotional and physical intimacy with their loved one
- Laughing is attractive. People are attracted to you
Want to bring more laughter, fun and happiness into your life and marriage? Here are things you can do:
- Share funny experiences or jokes with your spouse (other people)
- Smile and be more positive
- Be grateful and express gratitude
- Spend time around people who make you laugh
- Watch funny movies or videos with your spouse
- Do fun activities with your spouse
Try to bring laughter into your marriage and make things fun by doing fun activities, watching funny videos or movies together and see all aspects of your marriage drastically improve.
Also check out another great blog article How To Find Humor In Your Marriage
If you are looking for ways to put a smile on your spouse’s face and increase the passion in the bedroom, then check out the Ultimate Intimacy App! It has a vast amount of resources that will transform your marriage.
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