While a bit of playfulness can add charm to a marriage, there are certain childish behaviors that can have the opposite effect, potentially undermining the foundation of trust, respect, and love that a healthy marriage is built uponIn this article, we’ll explore some of the childish actions spouses sometimes engage in, which, if left unaddressed, could damage a relationship.
It’s essential to recognize these behaviors in order to avoid letting them fester and potentially harm your marriage.
Silent Treatment
The silent treatment is a classic example of a childish behavior that can poison a marriage. When one spouse refuses to communicate, it creates an emotional void in the relationship, leaving the other spouse feeling isolated and frustrated.
Instead of addressing issues and working through conflicts, the silent treatment perpetuates misunderstandings and resentment.

Slamming Doors and Throwing Tantrums
Throwing a temper tantrum or physically expressing anger, such as slamming doors, can be unsettling and damaging to a marriage. These actions not only disrupt the harmony in your home but also send the message that you are unwilling to engage in constructive communication and problem-solving. These outbursts can leave your spouse feeling unsafe and fearful of your reactions.
Criticism and Blame
Pointing fingers, blaming and criticizing your spouse for their mistakes is a childish behavior that can harm a relationship. It’s essential to remember that no one is perfect, and we all make errors. Constantly blaming your spouse rather than taking a constructive approach to addressing issues can lead to resentment and emotional distance.

Keeping Score
Maintaining a tally of who does what in the relationship is a childish behavior that can erode trust and create an atmosphere of competition rather than cooperation. A marriage should be a partnership where both spouses contribute and support each other, not a scoreboard of wins and losses.
Holding Grudges
Childish behavior often includes holding onto grudges and refusing to forgive. Keeping a mental list of past mistakes and bringing them up in every argument can create a hostile environment, making it difficult to move forward as a couple. Forgiveness and letting go of past grievances are crucial for a healthy marriage.
Sulking and Pouting
Sulking or pouting when things don’t go your way may seem like a minor annoyance, but it can be emotionally taxing for your spouse. These behaviors can create a tense atmosphere and make it challenging to address and resolve issues in a constructive manner.
Avoiding Responsibility
Blatantly avoiding responsibility for your actions or refusing to acknowledge your mistakes is another childish behavior that can harm a marriage. It’s important to take ownership of your behavior and work on personal growth, rather than shifting blame onto your spouse.
Dismissing Your Spouse’s Feelings
Invalidating your spouse’s feelings or dismissing their concerns is a harmful behavior that can lead to emotional distance. It’s crucial to listen to your partner and show empathy, even if you don’t agree with them, in order to maintain open and respectful communication.
Check out this great podcast episode 140. The Way You Speak To Your Spouse (And Yourself) Can Have Severe Consequences.
In this episode Nick and Amy tackle the hard topic of verbal abuse. When most people hear the word “abuse” they think of horrible things being said. But let’s be honest, anything we say to ourselves or others that has a negative impact can be some sort of abuse. Many times we verbally abuse ourselves or our spouse without even realizing it. What we say to ourselves and others can have catastrophic consequences to both the abuser, and the abusee.
In any marriage, it’s essential to recognize and address any childish behaviors that could harm the relationship. Healthy communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to work through conflicts constructively are key to a strong and enduring marriage.
By acknowledging and correcting these harmful behaviors, you can nurture a loving and lasting connection with your spouse, built on a foundation of trust and understanding.
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