13 Sep

The scorekeeping syndrome. The notion of meticulously tracking and tallying every action, deed, or contribution within the relationship can inadvertently sow the seeds of discord. We learned from this early on in our marriage.

Let’s unveil the pitfalls of this insidious practice and provide actionable steps to steer your marriage toward unity and shared happiness.

The Mirage of Equilibrium

In the quest to be equal, some couples unknowingly engage in a counterproductive habit – keeping score. The idea is simple: every action on one side must be matched by an equal reaction on the other. However, this outlook transforms the relationship into a competition where there is always a winner and a loser.

Striving to maintain perfect equality in all aspects of the relationship is akin to chasing a mirage that perpetually eludes your grasp.

The more a couple tries to make things fair, the more miserable they will become.

If you find yourself entangled in the scorekeeping, here are valuable insights to guide you back to a healthier and more harmonious path:

1. Abandon the Scorecard: Embrace the wisdom conveyed in “The 80/80 Marriage,” a transformative book that advocates against scorekeeping. The book emphasizes the inherent flaws in the widely accepted 50/50 marriage model and highlights the dangers of a competition-driven relationship.

2. Let Go of Perfection: Striving for absolute equality in all aspects of your relationship is an unattainable goal. Understand that there will be days when one spouse contributes more, and that’s entirely acceptable and natural.

3. Cultivate Team Spirit: Rather than competing against each other, shift your perspective to that of a cohesive team working toward common objectives. Sometimes, one team member may need to step up more, but remember that it’s the collective effort that truly matters.

4. Reject the Winner-Loser Dynamic: Keeping score fosters an unhealthy dynamic where one spouse perpetually wins while the other loses. This imbalance undermines the partnership’s foundation and hinders growth.

5. Celebrate Efforts: Instead of quantifying efforts, celebrate them. Acknowledge and appreciate each other’s contributions without dissecting their numerical value.

6. Foster Open Communication: Share your feelings openly with your spouse. Avoid making assumptions, as assumptions can lead to misunderstandings. Effective communication is pivotal to resolving conflicts.

7. Prioritize Love Over Points: Redirect your focus from earning points to nurturing your connection and fostering genuine affection. Expressing love should be driven by empathy, not by the need to even the score.

The Detrimental Effects of Scorekeeping

Scorekeeping might seem innocuous at first, but its long-term effects can be deeply detrimental to a relationship:

Competitive Atmosphere: Keeping score breeds competition rather than collaboration. Couples are more focused on outdoing each other than on nurturing their bond.

Resentment: Tallying contributions often leads to feelings of resentment. When one spouse feels their efforts are unappreciated, bitterness can set in.

Intimacy Erosion: Scorekeeping shifts the focus from emotional intimacy to tasks and obligations. This shift can hinder the development of emotional closeness.

Power Imbalance: Keeping score creates an unequal power dynamic, potentially leading to hostility and mistrust.

Navigating Towards Unity

To foster unity and dissolve the scorekeeping mentality, consider these transformative steps:

Effective Communication: Open dialogue is key. Share your feelings, listen to your spouse, and avoid assumptions.

Express Gratitude: Shift your perspective from deficits to abundance. Express gratitude for each other’s efforts and contributions.

Serve with Love: Show love through selflessness. Serving your spouse creates a positive cycle of mutual affection and care.

Focus on Yourself: Invest time and energy in personal growth. This doesn’t mean withdrawing from your spouse; rather, it’s about nurturing yourself.

Set Boundaries: Establish boundaries to protect your emotional well-being. Clear boundaries contribute to a healthier relationship.

Seek Professional Help: If scorekeeping becomes deeply ingrained, consider seeking professional guidance. A therapist can provide an unbiased perspective.


Marriage is a journey marked by growth, companionship, and shared dreams. Keeping score, however well-intentioned, undermines these cherished aspects. By embracing gratitude, effective communication, and a shared sense of purpose, couples can break free from the scorekeeping cycle and rediscover the unity that initially brought them together.

Love is not about points; it’s about building a partnership where both spouses thrive, grow, and find joy in the shared journey of life.

Check out the 80/80 marriage! It is one of the best books we have ever read!

Ultimate Intimacy

Ultimate Intimacy is the ULTIMATE Marriage and Intimacy App for couples. The Ultimate Intimacy App is clean, non-graphic and so much fun, and because it is Christian-friendly, you wont find any nudity, or vulgar material.

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The Ultimate Intimacy app is designed to help couples take their relationship and sexual intimacy to a whole new level! The Ultimate Intimacy App has several sections and resources including a customizable bedroom game where couples take turns asking questions and doing actions to each other, starting out with romance, then progressing to foreplay, heavy foreplay and hot and heavy. Couples can enjoy each other and experience intimacy in a very fun and exciting way! The app also has expert articles, videos, podcasts, conversations starters, date ideas and many other resources to strengthen your relationship emotionally, spiritually, and sexually.

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