Your wife… what would you do without her?
She runs the house, balances so many things at home, takes care of the kids most likely all day, and she probable never gets a day off ever right? So husbands, maybe it is time that you show her some REAL appreciation and pick some of these ideas to do for her to show her how grateful you really are! And why just pick a couple? A lot of these ideas can be done all the time!
After doing some serious polling on our social media page, we have put together the ultimate list of things husbands can do to make their wives hearts melt in and out of the bedroom!
Make sure you talk to her and find out what she really wants, as communication is key. All women are different so making sure that you know what she likes and wants is super important!
Let’s start with “out” of the bedroom.
Learn to Cook
Yep, even if you hate it you should do it. So many wives wish that their husbands would just try to follow a recipe and make them a nice home cooked dinner. The reason that it is so meaningful is that you are first willing to do it, it takes time and a lot of prep. If you already love to cook, then your wife is a lucky gal.

Call her more often
How often do you call her for no reason now that you have been married some years? I bet you called all the time for no reason when you were pursuing her right? Just a quick little call to say “Hi honey, just wanted to let you know Im thinking about you right now, love you so much.” That will make your wife smile so big, she might just want to kiss you when you walk in the house.
Take her shopping
Most men don’t want to go shopping with their wives which is why this one is also very meaningful. To walk around with her, let her try on clothes and compliment her while doing so, that means a lot to a woman. The fact you are willing to go in the first place just to be with her, that’s love.
Turn off your phone and the TV
Women want to be shown that they are most important, that you would rather look that her than someone on TV. After a long day of work or being apart, show your wife that you only want her by turning things off and turning her on. Makes you both happy right?

Compliment her in public
Yep, its one thing to tell your wife she’s pretty or giving a compliment she would like and mean it, but to do it when your around other people, means even more. It shows to everyone, especially her that you aren’t afraid to share your feelings around others and that the compliment is truly from the heart.
Get more involved with the kids
This is a serious turn on! There is nothing sexier than a man who gets on the floor and plays with his children. Make them laugh, make memories with them. It is super super attractive to a woman.

Make more time to spend together – QUALITY TIME
When a husband puts forth real effort to spend time with his wife, it means the world. There are a lot of things that can take a husbands time: work and career, hobbies, sports, news, TV, friends, etc. When you choose to put your wife first and make a plan with her over the other things you enjoy, it shows that she is still your top priority and focus in life.

Treat her like your lover
From the moment you married your wife, she was your lover and best friend. She wants to stay that person. She wants you to treat her like you did when you were dating, and show that you still have those same romantic feelings for her. Tell her that she’s sexy, tell her that you cant get enough of her. Text her throughout the day and remind her how you still feel.
Surprise her with things she likes
What is your wife’s love language? Do you know? If it is gifts, surprise her with flowers or a small gift on the way home from work. If it is words of affirmation, remember to compliment the things she is good at, or her outfit. If it is quality time, take an hour at night and ask her what she would like to do with you and give her that undivided attention. If she loves physical touch, surprise her with a really good foot massage before bed. You get the idea. It’s the little things!
Actually plan a date night that is fun and you have put thought into it
Get out of the house and do something exciting together, like when you were dating. I have talked about this before, but when Nick and I started to have date night every week and we would not let anything get in the way, it changed our marriage.

Touch her throughout the day.
Show her how attracted you are to her and how much you love her. Foreplay starts well before the bedroom. Even if your wife is not a physical touch person, she will love to get your affection.
Flirt to convert 😉
Flirt with your wife like you did when you were dating! hold hands, hug, kiss, say things romantic and sexy things to her. Let her know how much you want her.
Cuddle and with NO distractions
It means a LOT to us women when you just want to cuddle. Not just while watching TV, but when your attention is directly on on your wife. Stare at her and let her see you looking in her eyes!

Approach her from behind and gently wrap your arms around her and kiss her
This is a fun one, doesn’t take much effort and means the world. Just doing this one shows your wife that you are thinking of her as you pass by, that you want her and want her to know it!
Throw her against the wall and kiss her passionately without expectations
Ok so maybe this one leads to the bedroom… But yes, women too have desires! Show your wife you want her bad and spontaneously push her against the wall (gently) and make out with her like you did when you met. You will both feel that passion come quickly and intensely.

Now for IN the Bedroom…
Undress her SLOWLY
Slowly and carefully and flirty. Take piece by piece off gently while kissing her in that place while doing so. You want foreplay? This is a great way to start it!
Express your love to her while your making love
Expressing your love while making love is sure to remind her that it isn’t all physical. When you get sweet with your thoughts, words and feelings in the bedroom, that shows some real emotional intimacy.
Take your TIME during sex… don’t rush it
Sex is suppose to be enjoyed. You can’t truly enjoy anything in life if you always rush it. Nothing wrong with a quickie once in a while but more often, take the time to slow sex down and make the foreplay your main course!
Focus on the clitoris
It is all about the Clitoris. All about it. Women were designed to enjoy sex because of this one body part. If you are not focussing on the clitoris, there might be a reason why your wife is not craving sex all of the time! Take your hands and tease her, turn her on, and use other parts if you really want to turn her on. Focus on the Clit and you’re sure to get her begging for more! Check out the most amazing product we recommend!
Compliments in the bedroom
If you want your wife to feel good about herself, you have to tell her how beautiful she is just the way she is! Never hold back a compliment that will make her feel beautiful. The more self confidence she has in the bedroom, the more naked she will want to be! There is a lot of pressure on women to look certain ways, you are the one person that should make her feel more confident about herself than anyone!
Change and new ideas. We get bored
Yep, women get bored. Don’t let your wife lose the desire and passion for intimacy. Switch things up and keep things hot. Surprise her with a new bedroom game, or spend more time on different techniques with foreplay. If you touch her the right ways, and really spend time on keeping things different, she is sure to want and desire more of you.
Cuddle after and talk
Most women like to talk, especially after sex. It is the time to connect even after making love, cuddle, kiss a little bit more and show her that just because you are finished, you’re not finished with her.
Tease and take control
There is nothing better than foreplay that starts with some teasing. Rub her feet, work your way up her legs, then when she has the chills, work your way up even higher, gently and slowly. Use your mouth just a little if your comfortable with that, and make sure you are adding in some sweet kisses. Show your wife you have the time and patience to really turn her on.
Guys, If you finish before she does, there is still things you can do to take care of her!
It’s true. Just because your finished doesn’t mean she is! Talk to her and find out if she wants more.. there are plenty of things you can still do to her to show her she is MOST important!