Remember when you were dating and how in love you were? It seemed like the rest of your life would be an amazing experience and nothing could get in the way of your relationship. Unfortunately, life happens and people have kids, health issues, financial issues and unexpected things that test even the strongest marriages.
It is important to recognize that even the strongest marriages can experience rocky patches, and it’s important to know how to navigate them. If you find yourself in a difficult situation in your marriage, it’s not too late to save it. It may seem like the mountain to climb is too big, but the reality is turning a marriage around is not that hard to do! It is the little things that make all the difference in the world.
Look back to the things you did when you were falling in love and dating. You talked about everything! You spent time together doing fun things. You prioritized your relationship above anything else. Chances are, if you are experiences rough times, you probably aren’t doing the thins you did when you were dating.
Here are some tips on how to save your marriage
Communication is key
One of the biggest reasons why marriages fail is due to lack of communication. It’s important to sit down and have an honest conversation with your spouse about how you’re feeling and what your needs are. Be open and listen to what your spouse has to say. Remember, communication is a two-way street.
Check out this great podcast on communication:
128. What Do You Do When Your Spouse Won’t Talk About Sex…Or Other Tough Topics?
Get help if needed
Seek professional help If you’re finding it hard to communicate or work through your issues on your own, seeking professional help is a great option. A marriage counselor can help you and your spouse work through your problems and provide you with tools to strengthen your relationship.
Make time together
Make time for each other In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget to make time for your your spouse. Schedule date nights, take a weekend trip, or even just take a walk together. These small moments can help strengthen your connection and remind you why you fell in love in the first place.
This also allows you the time and environment to have great conversations together and to get to know each other on a deeper level, just like when you were dating.
Show appreciation
Sometimes, it’s the small things that matter the most. Show your spouse that you appreciate them by saying thank you, leaving little love notes, or even just giving them a hug. These small gestures can go a long way in making your spouse feel loved and valued.
Be willing to compromise, compromise is key. It’s important to understand that you and your spouse may have different viewpoints or needs, or may not see eye to eye on everything and that is no only ok, but healthy! Finding a middle ground can help strengthen your connection and bond. Be willing to listen to your spouses needs and find a solution that works for both of you.
Don’t give up
In this day and age, so many people just give up when things get difficult. Saving a marriage takes time and effort. There will be ups and downs, but it’s important to remember why you’re fighting for your marriage in the first place. Don’t give up on your spouse or your relationship. With dedication and hard work, you can save your marriage.
Couples that can work together to get through the tough times often come out stronger and have a deeper love for one another, especially as they get through difficult times together.
Connect Sexually
Most of you reading this are going to think “did I just read that correctly?” yes you did. When a marriage starts to struggle, one of the first things to go in the relationship is the sexual intimacy. There is nothing more vulnerable than sexual intimacy together as a couple. That builds trust, helps with the emotional intimacy, the bond, connection and so many other aspects of the relationship. Sexual intimacy can also help foster the emotional intimacy.
If you look at most happy and healthy marriages, they are having frequent sexual intimacy.
120. Is Sex A Thermometer That Can Gauge The Temperature Of Your Marriage?
Pray together
Couples who pray together have a 1% chance of getting divorced. When you humble yourselves and include God (or a higher power) in your relationship, it makes a remarkable difference. He will give you the help and strength that you need especially when you are unified together and praying as a couple.
In conclusion, saving your marriage takes effort, but it’s not that hard to do. Your marriage is worth fighting for. Do these things and you will see your marriage transform quickly. You deserve to have “Ultimate Intimacy” in your marriage again!
Ultimate Intimacy
If you are looking for a great resource that can help you with your marriage, check out the Ultimate Intimacy App! It will change your life! Best of all, it’s FREE to download. Find out why over 600,000 couples have downloaded the app and it has a 4.8/5 star rating in the App Store!