29 Nov

In the age of smartphones and constant connectivity, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. While it has brought people closer and facilitated communication in unprecedented ways, it’s essential to recognize that the ubiquitous presence of social media has a significant impact on our relationships, particularly marriages.

In this article, we’ll explore how social media is affecting marriages and delve into some alarming statistics that underscore the destructive aspects of its influence.

The Social Media Boom

To understand the extent of the issue, let’s begin with some eye-opening statistics about social media usage:

  1. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there were 3.96 billion monthly active users on social media platforms worldwide. This number has likely continued to grow since then, reinforcing the pervasive nature of social media.
  2. A report by We Are Social and Hootsuite revealed that, on average, people spend 2 hours and 25 minutes per day on social media. This equates to roughly 16 hours per week, or 32 full days per year spent on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. Remember, this is only social media and does not include websites, tv, and other technology. If you combine everything it is closer to 11 hours per day.

How Social Media Destroys Marriages

  1. Time Drain: One of the most apparent ways social media harms marriages is by siphoning away precious time that could be spent with one’s spouse. Couples who engage in excessive social media use often find themselves physically present but emotionally absent. Quality time together dwindles, leading to feelings of neglect and dissatisfaction in the relationship.
  2. Comparison Culture: Social media fosters a culture of constant comparison. People tend to showcase their best moments, creating an illusion of a perfect life. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy in individuals and couples alike. When spouses perceive others as having happier or more exciting lives, it can erode their self-esteem and trust within the marriage.
  3. Virtual Infidelity: Online connections can quickly evolve into emotional affairs or even physical infidelity. The secrecy and anonymity that the digital world provides can make it easier for individuals to engage in inappropriate or harmful relationships outside of their marriage.
  4. Miscommunication: The use of digital communication platforms can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. The absence of non-verbal cues, tone, and facial expressions in text-based communication can result in arguments and conflicts that might not have occurred in face-to-face conversations.
  5. Privacy Invasion: Posting personal details and pictures of one’s spouse without their consent can lead to privacy issues and create tension within the marriage. It’s essential to respect each other’s boundaries and discuss what is acceptable to share on social media.
  6. Addiction and Neglect: Excessive social media usage can lead to addiction, causing spouses to neglect their responsibilities and commitments. The constant need to check notifications and updates can draw individuals away from their marital duties.
  7. Emotional Distress: Research has shown a connection between high social media usage and increased levels of depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation. When one or both spouses are grappling with these emotional issues, it can put significant strain on a marriage.

You can also check out several podcast episode we have done on social media.

153. Is Social Media A Major Addiction For Your Wife?

91. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EPISODES YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO: Is Your Screen Addiction Costing You Your Freedom… And Your Relationship?

68. The Modern Day Libido Killer That Is Getting In The Way Of Sexual Intimacy.


While social media has brought us many benefits, it’s crucial to recognize its destructive potential within marriages. The statistics on daily usage underscore the pervasiveness of this issue, and the negative consequences it can have on relationships are evident.

To preserve the sanctity of a marriage, couples should be mindful of their social media use. Open and honest communication, setting boundaries, and dedicating quality time to one’s spouse are vital steps in combating the corrosive influence of social media. Ultimately, the key to a healthy marriage in the digital age is finding a balance between the virtual and real worlds.

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