30 Oct

In today’s digital age, access to explicit content has become easier than ever before. However, when it comes to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling marriage, keeping pornography out of the equation is essential.

This article explores the compelling reasons why you should steer clear of porn in your marriage, highlighting its addictive nature, providing statistics and studies, and emphasizing how it can create unrealistic expectations that harm the relationship.

Also check out our podcast episode 203. Why Keeping Porn Out Of Your Marriage Matters.

In this episode we discuss why you should keep porn out of your marriage, and life. We share some shocking statistics, share experiences and talk about how to know if you have a porn addiction.

Pornography is like a plague that can (and will) destroy marriages and families and we believe this is one of the things that will destroy our society. Pornography is everywhere! It shows up on social media, tv, movies, and romance novels.  So what can you do to keep it out of your life? Find out in this episode.

Even if you don’t have an issue with pornography, this is an episode that you will still want to listen to.

The Addictive Nature of Pornography

One of the most alarming aspects of pornography is its addictive potential. Many studies have shown that consuming explicit content can lead to addictive behaviors, affecting individuals both physically and emotionally. This addiction can, in turn, have a detrimental impact on marriages.

  • Statistics: According to a study published in the journal “JAMA Network Open,” 12% of American adults self-identify as addicted to pornography. This addiction can lead to secrecy, withdrawal, and a decrease in emotional intimacy with one’s spouse.
  • Neurological Impact: Consuming pornography releases dopamine in the brain, similar to the effects of drugs or alcohol. This creates a cycle where individuals seek out more explicit content to experience the same high, which can lead to neglecting their real-life relationships, including marriage.

Unrealistic Expectations

Pornography often portrays unrealistic and idealized versions of sexual experiences and relationships. These unrealistic expectations can be harmful to marriages in several ways:

  • Performance Pressure: Spouses who consume pornography may start to believe that they need to match the exaggerated performances they see on screen, leading to anxiety and insecurity.
  • Comparison: Viewing idealized bodies and sexual encounters can lead to spouses comparing themselves or their partners unfavorably, fostering feelings of inadequacy and jealousy.
  • Reduced Intimacy: Over time, the emotional and physical intimacy between spouses can erode as one or both partners become disconnected from reality and each other.

Relationship Erosion

The presence of pornography in a marriage can lead to various negative consequences:

  • Trust Issues: When one partner discovers the other’s hidden consumption of explicit content, it can lead to feelings of betrayal and damage trust within the relationship.
  • Communication Breakdown: Secrets related to pornography can hinder open and honest communication between spouses, leading to misunderstandings and a lack of emotional connection.
  • Diminished Satisfaction: Studies have shown that pornography use can lead to decreased sexual and relationship satisfaction, as it can create a divide between partners’ expectations and reality.

Check out this great article The Impact of Pornography – And Finding Solutions To Overcome It.


To maintain a strong and thriving marriage, it’s essential to keep pornography out of the equation. The addictive nature of explicit content, its capacity to create unrealistic expectations, and its potential to erode trust and intimacy all underscore the importance of avoiding pornography in your relationship.

Instead, focus on open communication, understanding each other’s needs, and nurturing emotional and physical intimacy. By doing so, you can build a loving and satisfying marriage based on trust, authenticity, and genuine connection, free from the negative influences of pornography. Remember, a healthy marriage is built on love, respect, and shared values, not on unrealistic fantasies portrayed in explicit content.

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