12 Jul

The woman’s body is very complicated, but better understanding how the female body works can help you both experience more pleasure in the bedroom.

Here are the things you probably didn’t know about the female body and sex.

The clitoris is more than meets the eye

The clitoris is an erectile organ located at the front junction of the labia minora, but its structure extends deeper within the body. The clitoral glans is just the tip of the iceberg, as the clitoral complex includes internal structures known as crura, bulbs, and vestibular bulbs. The entire clitoral complex is highly sensitive and can contribute to sexual pleasure.

You can also listen to this fantastic podcast which is one of our most listened to episodes: 30. It’s All About The Clitoris! The Key To Unlocking Female Pleasure with Cindy Scharkey

The cervix changes during the menstrual cycle

The cervix, the lower part of the uterus, undergoes changes throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle. It becomes softer, higher, and more open during ovulation to allow sperm to enter the uterus. After ovulation, it becomes firmer, lower, and closed.

Vaginal lubrication is an important part of sexual arousal

The vagina typically produces lubrication when a woman is sexually aroused. This natural lubrication helps reduce friction during sexual activity, making intercourse more comfortable and pleasurable.

However, the amount of lubrication can vary from person to person and can also be affected by factors such as hormonal changes, medications, stress, and hydration levels.

Check out this great article on the importance of lubricant during love-making. Also check out the best lube on the planet by clicking the picture below!

The G-spot is a debated erogenous zone

The G-spot, or Grafenberg spot, is an area located on the front wall of the vagina, about 2-3 inches inside. Some women report heightened sexual pleasure and even orgasmic sensations when this area is stimulated. However, the existence and sensitivity of the G-spot are still a subject of debate among researchers, and not all women may experience pleasurable sensations from stimulation in this area.

Female ejaculation is real

Some women can experience ejaculation during sexual stimulation or orgasm. Female ejaculation involves the release of fluid from the urethra, often in response to G-spot stimulation. The composition and quantity of the fluid can vary among individuals, and the phenomenon is still not fully understood.

The clitoris has more nerve endings than the penis

Despite being smaller in size, the clitoris contains a higher concentration of nerve endings than the penis. This makes it an extremely sensitive and highly erogenous zone. Stimulating the clitoris can result in intense sexual pleasure and orgasm for many women.

Most women cannot orgasm from penetration alone, so the clitoris plays an important role in the sexual pleasure for a women.

Menstrual cycles can vary in length and consistency

Menstrual cycles, the monthly hormonal changes that prepare the body for pregnancy, can vary in length and consistency. While the average menstrual cycle lasts around 28 days, it is common for cycles to be shorter or longer, ranging from 21 to 35 days. Additionally, the flow and duration of menstruation can also differ from person to person.

Orgasms can be achieved through various types of stimulation

While many women can achieve orgasm through clitoral stimulation, it’s important to note that orgasms can also be experienced through other forms of sexual stimulation. Some women can achieve orgasm through stimulation of the G-spot, the nipples, or other erogenous zones. Sexual pleasure and orgasm can vary widely among individuals, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Menopause does not mean the end of sexual pleasure

Menopause, the stage in a woman’s life when she ceases to menstruate and her reproductive hormone levels decrease, does not mean the end of sexual pleasure or activity. While menopause can bring about changes in vaginal lubrication and tissue elasticity, there are various treatments and techniques available to manage these changes and maintain a fulfilling sex life.

TIPS for the female BODY

Communication is key

Every person is different and has different preferences when it comes to sexual activity. It’s important to have open and honest communication with your spouse about what feels good, what doesn’t, and what you’re comfortable with.


Foreplay can be a crucial part of sexual arousal for many women. This can include kissing, touching, and oral sex. It’s important to take the time to explore your spouses body and discover what they enjoy.

Focus on the clitoris

The clitoris is a highly sensitive area that can be a source of pleasure for many women. However, it’s important to remember that every woman is different and may prefer different types of stimulation. Some women may prefer direct stimulation, while others may prefer indirect stimulation or a combination of both.

If you don’t know anything about the clitoris, you can learn more about it in the Ultimate Intimacy App under the resources section of the app. We have a ton of fantastic articles!


Lubrication is an important part of comfortable and pleasurable sexual activity. Some women may require additional lubrication, especially during menopause or other hormonal changes.

Orgasms can be a complex and multi-faceted experience for many women, and can involve both physical and emotional factors. It’s important to remember that not all women are able to orgasm through penetration alone, and that clitoral stimulation may be necessary for many women to achieve orgasm.

Pain or discomfort during sexual activity can be a sign of a medical condition or other issue. It’s important to communicate openly with your partner and seek medical advice if necessary to address any issues or concerns.

Sexual desire and pleasure can vary widely between individuals, and may be influenced by a variety of factors, including psychological, social, and cultural factors. It’s important to communicate openly with a spouse and prioritize consent and mutual pleasure in sexual activity.

Ultimate Intimacy

Do you want to learn more about your wife’s body? Want to take your sexual intimacy to a new level! You need to check out the amazing Ultimate Intimacy App! With over 600,000 downloads and a 4.8/5 star rating, the Ultimate Intimacy App will transform your marriage! Best of all, it’s FREE to download so what are you waiting for?

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