25 Apr

Marriage requires effort, patience, and understanding. However, despite the best intentions, conflicts can arise, and couples may find themselves in heated arguments. During such times, it is common for emotions to run high, and in the heat of the moment, people may say things they don’t mean. One such word that should never be uttered during a fight is “divorce.”

Divorce is a severe word that carries a lot of weight. It represents the end of a marriage and the dissolution of the bond that couples have built over the years. Using this word during a fight sends a strong message to your spouse, indicating that you are considering ending the relationship. It is crucial to remember that words have power and can impact the relationship in the long run.

Here are a few reasons why you should never use the word “divorce” when you are fighting with your spouse:

  1. It triggers fear and anxiety: Using the word divorce during a fight can create a sense of fear and anxiety in your spouse’s mind. They may start to question the stability of the relationship and wonder if you are serious about the threat. Such thoughts can lead to a breakdown of communication and trust in the relationship.
  2. It can be used as a weapon: Using the word divorce as a threat or a weapon during a fight is manipulative and unfair. It puts your spouse in a position where they feel powerless and trapped. This can create a power imbalance in the relationship and further erode trust and communication.
  3. It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy: When you use the word divorce during a fight, you plant the seed of doubt in your spouse’s mind. If this becomes a recurring theme in your arguments, your spouse may start to believe that divorce is inevitable, which can lead to them withdrawing from the relationship emotionally and mentally.
  4. It undermines the sanctity of marriage: Marriage is a sacred bond that requires mutual respect and commitment. Using the word divorce during a fight can undermine the sanctity of the relationship and create a sense of disrespect towards the institution of marriage.

I recall when we were earlier on in our marriage and we were having a pretty good argument, I stated something out of frustration like “Maybe we should just get a divorce” and her response was “fine!” I remember how awful I felt for even brining that up and literally thought for several hours that I had just caused our marriage to end because of what I said out of frustration.

I am the kind of person that never gets frustrated or looses my cool and that day, I said something I never should have (and of course I didn’t mean) out of frustration. I vowed to never make that mistake again and I apologized to my wife for even mentioning that out of frustration. We both agreed in our marriage that we would never use that word ever again.. and we haven’t. As mentioned above, when you even open the door to that just by saying the word, you will always think it is an option and your spouse will always be wondering in the back of their mind if that is an option as well.

If you and your spouse find yourself having conflict often, this podcast is an episode that will transform your marriage! 111. The Podcast Episode That Will Transform Your Marriage!

This has to be one of the best podcast episodes we have done, with information applicable to every relationship. In this episode Nick and Amy interview Tamara Fackrell (she is a divorce attorney, author and has a PHD in marriage and family relationships). Yes, you heard that correctly, a divorce attorney that is fighting to help couples not only survive, but thrive in marriage! 

In this episode Tamara shares 10 things that can help with conflict resolution. The steps she provides are so simple and easy to understand, and are things that couples can do to transform their marriage quickly and keep them thriving in their relationship.

Trust us, this will be an episode that could be a game changer in your marriage… even if you already have a good marriage 🙂

In conclusion, using the word “divorce” during a fight is a reckless and destructive act that can have long-lasting consequences on your relationship. Instead of resorting to threats and ultimatums, try to approach the situation calmly and communicate your feelings and needs effectively. Remember, a successful marriage requires mutual respect, trust, and effective communication.

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