11 Jun

Flirting with your wife is an important way to keep the spark alive in your marriage. When you first started dating, flirting was probably a regular part of your interactions with each other. But over time, as you become more comfortable and settled in your relationship, you may find that flirting becomes less frequent. That’s why it’s important to make a conscious effort to flirt with your wife on a regular basis.

Here are 15 ways a husband can flirt with his wife:

  1. Send her flirty texts: Text your wife throughout the day with playful, flirty messages. Let her know that you’re thinking about her and that you find her attractive.
  2. Hold her hand: Hold your wife’s hand when you’re out in public or just sitting on the couch together. This simple gesture can be a great way to connect with her.
  3. Playful teasing: Tease your wife in a playful and loving way. Be careful not to cross the line into hurtful teasing, but a little bit of playful teasing can be a fun way to flirt with your wife.
  4. Surprise her with a small gift: Surprise your wife with a small gift that shows her you’re thinking about her. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive, just something thoughtful and meaningful. If your wife’s love language is gifts, this simple gesture will show her how much you really care.
  5. Give her a massage: Offer to give your wife a relaxing massage after a long day. This can be a great way to help her unwind and connect with her.
  6. Plan a surprise date night: Plan a surprise date night for your wife. Take her somewhere special or plan a fun activity that you know she’ll enjoy.
  7. Cook her a special meal: Cook your wife her favorite meal, or try out a new recipe together. This can be a fun and romantic way to connect with her.
  8. Listen to her: Take the time to really listen to your wife when she talks to you. Show her that you’re interested in what she has to say and that you value her opinions.
  9. Dance with her: Put on some music and dance with your wife. This can be a romantic and fun way to connect with her.
  10. Surprise her with a love note: Leave your wife a sweet love note in a place where she’ll find it unexpectedly. This can be a simple but meaningful gesture that shows her you care.
  11. Show interest in her hobbies: Ask your wife about her hobbies and interests. Show her that you care about the things that are important to her.
  12. Be affectionate: Show your wife affection in public and in private. Hold her, kiss her, and tell her how much you love her.
  13. Take care of her: Take care of your wife when she’s sick or feeling down. Bring her soup, give her a foot rub, and do whatever you can to make her feel better.
  14. Plan a surprise weekend getaway: Plan a surprise weekend getaway for just the two of you. It doesn’t have to be far from home, but it should be a place where you can relax and connect.
  15. Flirt with her in public: Flirt with your wife in public in a respectful and appropriate way. This can be a great way to show her that you’re proud to be her husband and that you still find her attractive.

One of the most important things you can do is understand your wife’s love language. Once you understand this, you can approach many of the ways above in her love language. If you don’t know your wife’s love language, have her take the quiz on the Ultimate Intimacy App! Its FREE to download and take the quiz HERE.

You may also want to listen to this podcast episode 135. What To Do When Your Love Languages Are Different.. And Knowing Each Others Love Language Isn’t Working?

In conclusion, flirting with your wife is an important way to keep the spark alive in your marriage. Use these 15 tips to start flirting with your wife today and watch as your relationship becomes stronger and more fulfilling.

Ultimate Intimacy

For another great resource to help you spice up your marriage with your wife, check out the #1 app for married couples, Ultimate Intimacy! It’s FREE to download and will transform every aspect of your marriage. Find out why over 600,000 couples have downloaded the app and give it a 4.8/5 star rating.

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