02 Dec

For many couples, the bedroom has become more than just a sanctuary for sleep; it’s a hub for distractions that hinder emotional and sexual connection.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial for couples to take proactive steps to maintain the intimacy that underpins a strong, lasting relationship.

We’ve curated a list of bedtime habits that can help you and your partner rekindle your emotional and sexual connection.

Go to Bed Together

One surprisingly common barrier to sexual intimacy is couples not going to bed at the same time. While work schedules and other commitments might not always align, making an effort to synchronize your bedtime can be a game-changer in your relationship.

Going to bed together creates an opportunity for quality time, and it’s a crucial step in reconnecting emotionally and physically.

Share a Shower

Showering together before bedtime isn’t just about staying clean; it’s a chance for couples to bond on an emotional level. Engaging in this intimate activity can facilitate meaningful conversation and enhance emotional intimacy, a vital aspect of a satisfying sexual relationship.

This is something we have done in our relationship and it has changed our relationship in a very positive way! We are able to connect emotionally and sexually more often as we spend quality time in the shower together.

Spend Quality Time in Bed

Too often, couples jump into bed and immediately reach for their phones, engaging in mindless scrolling and distractions. Break this pattern by putting away your devices and spending time together in bed. Whether it’s cuddling, sharing stories, or simply talking, investing this time fosters a deeper emotional connection. And you will have more time for sexual connection as well.

Leave Electronics Outside the Bedroom

The temptation to bring electronics into the bedroom can disrupt your emotional and sexual connection. Emails and messages can wait until the morning. Limiting technology use in the bedroom is essential to maintain a tranquil space dedicated to emotional and physical intimacy.

Prioritize Sex

Making love before bedtime offers an array of benefits that extend beyond physical pleasure. It can alleviate stress, improve sleep quality, enhance your appearance, relieve headaches, aid in weight loss, reduce stress, and boost your immune system.

Prioritizing sex is an investment in your relationship and overall well-being.

Set Boundaries with Children

Children can be a significant obstacle to sexual intimacy. Establishing boundaries in the bedroom can be an effective solution. Set a curfew for your bedroom or place a “do not disturb” sign on the door to communicate that this time is important for you as a couple.

This not only creates room for intimacy but also sets a positive example for your children about the importance of a healthy relationship.

Pray Together as a Couple

Incorporating spirituality into your relationship can be a powerful way to strengthen your emotional and sexual connection. Sharing common goals and praying together for God’s guidance and blessings on your marriage can yield remarkable results. This practice can bring you closer as a couple, foster humility, and rekindle your desire for one another.

Did you know the old saying “couples that pray together stay together” is true? Less than 2% of couples who pray together daily end up in divorce.


In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy for couples to lose sight of the emotional and sexual intimacy that underpins a strong relationship. These bedtime habits can help you and your partner revitalize your connection and prioritize your relationship.

By embracing these practices, you’ll not only improve your emotional and sexual bond but also create a stronger, more lasting connection that can withstand life’s challenges.

Ultimate Intimacy

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