13 Nov

In the journey of a committed relationship, couples often find themselves in disagreements and arguments. It’s a natural part of sharing your life with someone, but the way these disputes are handled can make or break a marriage.

There’s a fundamental question to consider: “Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?” In this article, we’ll explore why it’s essential to prioritize happiness over being right, emphasizing the importance of choosing your battles wisely and knowing when to walk away from an argument for the good of your marriage.

A while back we did a great podcast on conflict resolution that you may enjoy titled: The Podcast Episode That Will Transform Your Marriage! The reason why we named it that is it truly will transform your marriage 🙂

In this episode Nick and Amy interview Tamara Fackrell (she is a divorce attorney, author and has a PHD in marriage and family relationships). Yes, you heard that correctly, a divorce attorney that is fighting to help couples not only survive, but thrive in marriage! 

In this episode Tamara shares 10 things that can help with conflict resolution. The steps she provides are so simple and easy to understand, and are things that couples can do to transform their marriage quickly and keep them thriving in their relationship.

The Battle for Righteousness

It’s human nature to want to be right. We all crave validation and a sense of moral correctness. However, in the context of a relationship, striving to be right at all costs can lead to unnecessary conflicts and strains on the marital bond.

Did you know that in many divorces, the couples can’t even remember what started the argument? How many arguments have you had that have escalated and turned into major conflict over one of you needing to be right?

The Ego Trap

Arguing to be right often arises from ego and the need to assert dominance. But winning an argument at the expense of your spouses feelings can erode trust and emotional intimacy.

Escalation of Conflict

Arguments fueled by the need to be right tend to escalate quickly. What begins as a simple disagreement can transform into a full-blown battle, causing emotional harm to both spouses.

Emotional Distance

Persistent battles over who’s right can lead to emotional detachment between partners. The focus shifts from understanding each other’s perspectives to proving oneself right, hindering emotional connection.

Choosing Happiness Over Being Right

Here are some compelling reasons why it’s better to prioritize happiness in your marriage:

Emotional Well-Being

Your emotional well-being is intrinsically tied to your partner’s happiness and your relationship’s overall health. Choosing happiness fosters a positive environment where both of you can thrive emotionally.

Strengthening Your Bond

A happy relationship is built on mutual understanding, empathy, and respect. When you prioritize happiness over being right, you create an atmosphere where your love can flourish, unburdened by the weight of constant disagreements.

Avoiding Resentment

Continuously striving to be right can lead to resentment. Over time, the accumulation of unresolved conflicts can poison the love you share with your spouse.

Effective Communication

Choosing happiness encourages effective communication. When you’re not fixated on proving a point, you can listen more attentively to your spouse’s perspective and work toward finding common ground.

The Art of Picking Your Battles

Not all arguments are worth engaging in. It’s crucial to discern which issues are truly significant and which ones can be set aside. Here’s how to determine when to walk away from an argument:

Evaluate the Importance

Consider the importance of the issue at hand. Is it a matter of core values, ethics, or principles? If not, it might be worth letting go.

Timing Is Everything

Is this the right time to discuss the matter? If emotions are running high, it’s often wise to postpone the conversation until both of you can approach it with a calmer perspective.

Reflect on the Bigger Picture

Think about the long-term impact of the argument. Will it still matter in a week, a month, or a year? Sometimes, differences can be worked out naturally without a confrontation.


In a marriage, the goal should be happiness, even if you don’t always see eye to eye on every issue. The question, “Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?” is a powerful reminder that prioritizing your spouse’s well-being and the overall health of your relationship is more important than winning arguments.

By choosing your battles wisely and knowing when to walk away, you create a harmonious environment where love, empathy, and emotional connection can flourish, ultimately leading to a happier and more fulfilling marriage.

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