28 Mar

Have you ever felt like you just want to hit a reset button or “start over” button in marriage? You are not alone. We have felt this way before and it is common in the journey of marriage, because there are moments when the road gets rocky, and the connection with our spouse feels strained.

It’s during these times that we may yearn for a reset—a chance to wipe the slate clean and start afresh. The good news is that a marriage reset is not only possible but can also be incredibly transformative, paving the way for deeper connection and renewed intimacy.

Here are five steps couples can take to reset their marriage and embark on a journey of rediscovery and renewal:

Reflect on Your Relationship: Take some time to reflect on the state of your marriage and identify areas that may need improvement. Are there unresolved conflicts, communication breakdowns, or unmet needs? Honest introspection is the first step towards initiating change.

If they’re at things you want to work on or change, identify those together and it may be good as well to establish clear boundaries for your marriage to eliminate future issues.

Open Up Communication: Communication lies at the heart of every successful marriage. Sit down with your spouse and have an open, honest conversation about your feelings, concerns, and desires. Listen actively to each other’s perspectives without judgment, and strive to understand where the other is coming from.

We are big believers that almost ANY issue can be resolved with good communication. Here are some Tips for Excellent Communication in Marriage.

Seek Professional Help: Sometimes, navigating the complexities of marriage requires outside support. Consider seeking guidance from a marriage counselor or therapist who can provide valuable insights and tools for improving communication, resolving conflicts, and rebuilding trust.

Reconnect Emotionally: Rediscover the emotional connection that initially brought you and your spouse together. Spend quality time together engaging in activities you both enjoy, whether it’s going for walks, cooking together, or simply cuddling on the couch. Prioritize nurturing your emotional bond and cultivating intimacy.

One of the big reasons couples get to a bad place in marriage is due to the breakdown of emotional intimacy (which leads to the breakdown of sexual intimacy). Both of these go hand in hand.

Set Goals Together: Work together with your spouse to set goals for your relationship and individual growth. Whether it’s improving communication, spending more quality time together, or pursuing shared interests, setting goals provides a roadmap for your journey towards a happier, healthier marriage.

A marriage reset is not about erasing the past or ignoring the challenges you’ve faced—it’s about acknowledging them, learning from them, and using them as stepping stones towards a brighter future. By committing to these five steps, you and your spouse can embark on a journey of renewal, strengthening your bond and creating a marriage that is resilient, fulfilling, and built to last. Remember, it’s never too late to start anew and write the next chapter of your love story together.

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