23 Feb

Have you ever wondered what goes on in your husband’s mind? While men may not always express their thoughts openly, there are certain desires and expectations they harbor in a relationship.

Better understanding these insights can foster deeper connection and harmony in your marriage. Let’s dive into some key aspects of what your husband really thinks and wants, and although these are not true for every husband, most would probably agree.

He Wants to See You Without Makeup: Contrary to popular belief, many husbands appreciate the natural beauty of their wives. Your husband wants to see the real you, sans makeup, embracing your authentic self and feeling comfortable in your own skin.

He Wants to See You Naked: Physical intimacy is a crucial aspect of marriage, and your husband desires to see you naked, not just for the sake of physical attraction but also as a symbol of vulnerability and intimacy between you both.

He want’s to to be comfortable and vulnerable with him. There is nothing more vulnerable then being naked around each other.

He Doesn’t Want to Fight Over Stupid Things: Petty arguments and unnecessary conflicts can strain a relationship. Your husband values peace and harmony in your marriage and would prefer to resolve conflicts calmly and rationally, without engaging in trivial disputes.

He Wants You to Express Appreciation: Your husband craves validation and appreciation for his efforts, whether it’s for providing for the family, supporting you emotionally, or simply being there for you. Expressing gratitude reinforces his sense of value and strengthens your bond.

He Wants You to Be Grateful: Just as he appreciates your acknowledgment, your husband also desires gratitude for the things you do for him. Recognizing and acknowledging each other’s contributions fosters mutual respect and reciprocity in your relationship.

He Wants You to Be Confident: Confidence is attractive, and your husband wants to see you embracing your strengths, talents, and abilities. When you exude confidence, you not only feel empowered but also inspire admiration and respect from your spouse.

He Wants You to Be Consistent: Consistency is key in maintaining trust and reliability in your marriage. Your husband values consistency in your actions, words, and behaviors, as it creates a sense of stability and predictability in your relationship.

Initiate Sex: While men often take the lead in initiating intimacy, your husband appreciates it when you take the initiative in the bedroom. Initiating sex not only shows your desire and affection but also reassures him of your attraction and connection.

For a great way to initiate sex in a very fun and exciting way, give him the Ultimate intimacy App and let him pick the position for the night or many other fun games and ways to initiate!

He Wants You to Express How You Feel and Be Open with Him: Communication is fundamental in any relationship, and your husband wants you to share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly and honestly. Being transparent and communicative strengthens your emotional connection and fosters mutual understanding.

He Values Quality Time Together: Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, your husband treasures quality time spent together. Whether it’s engaging in meaningful conversations, going on dates, or simply enjoying each other’s company, prioritizing quality time strengthens your bond and reinforces your connection.

He Thinks You Are Sexy Just the Way You Are: Your husband finds you irresistibly attractive, not just because of your physical appearance, but also because of who you are as a person. He admires your unique qualities, quirks, and imperfections, seeing them as part of what makes you truly alluring. Embracing your authenticity and self-confidence only enhances your allure in his eyes, reaffirming his deep attraction and admiration for you.

It’s essential to remember that every husband is unique, with his own set of desires, preferences, and needs.

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