We talk to A LOT of women that tell us they are the higher desire spouse in the relationship and they get frustrated that their husbands have no sex drive or desire for them sexually. This is heartbreaking.
We just did a blog article on Why A Man’s Sexual Desire For His Wife Is So Important where we talk about how men that don’t have that sexual drive often neglect their spouse sexually, emotionally, physically, and tend to focus on their own needs instead, leaving their wife feeling lonely and undesired.
Sexual desire is a complex aspect of human nature, and it’s not that unusual for men to experience fluctuations in their sex drive. A low sex drive, or decreased libido, can be a temporary or long-term issue and may have a variety of underlying causes.
You may also enjoy our great podcast titled: For The High Desire Wife.. And The Low Desire Husband (The Reasons).
In this article, we’ll explore common reasons why men might experience a low sex drive, shedding light on this often-misunderstood aspect of human sexuality.
Stress and Anxiety
High levels of stress, whether related to work, personal life, or other factors, can put the brakes on your libido. When the mind is preoccupied with worries, it can be challenging to focus on intimacy.
Depression and other mood disorders can significantly impact a man’s sexual desire. Additionally, some antidepressant medications can have side effects that decrease libido.
Relationship Problems
Conflict or unresolved issues within a relationship can create emotional distance between partners, leading to a decrease in sexual interest. A healthy emotional connection is crucial for a fulfilling sex life.

Hormonal Imbalances
Low testosterone levels, often referred to as “Low T,” can cause a decline in sexual desire. Hormonal imbalances can be age-related or result from medical conditions and treatments.
We often think that it is typically the women that have low testosterone levels, but many studies have been completed showing men’s testosterone levels decreasing significantly the past 20 or so years.
We have talked to men that have consulted with doctors and increased their testosterone and seen and increase in sexual desire.
Certain medications, such as antipsychotics, blood pressure medications, and some antidepressants, may have sexual side effects, including a drop in libido.
Chronic Health Conditions
Chronic health issues, like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, can affect blood flow and nerve function, potentially diminishing sexual desire.
Substance Abuse
Excessive alcohol or drug use can suppress sexual desire and impede sexual performance.
Sleep Problems
Insomnia and other sleep disorders can lead to fatigue, reduced energy levels, and, consequently, a lack of interest in sexual activity.
Unhealthy Lifestyle
Factors like a lack of exercise and poor dietary choices can lead to reduced overall health, including sexual function. Obesity, in particular, is associated with decreased libido.

It’s a natural part of the aging process for sexual desire to fluctuate. Hormonal changes and age-related health concerns can contribute to a decrease in libido.
Psychological Factors
Personal beliefs and values surrounding sex and sexuality can play a significant role in sexual desire. Some individuals may have religious or cultural reasons that influence their libido.
Past Trauma
Previous experiences of sexual abuse or trauma can have a long-lasting impact on a person’s sexual desire and function.
Relationship Dynamics
The quality of a relationship with a partner can have a substantial influence on a man’s sexual desire. A strained or unsatisfactory relationship can lead to decreased interest in sex.
Performance Anxiety
Fear of sexual performance issues, such as erectile dysfunction, can create anxiety and stress, leading to reduced sexual desire.

Porn Addiction
Excessive pornography consumption can decrease a man’s sexual desire for his wife by desensitizing him to real-life intimacy. It can create unrealistic expectations, leading to difficulties in becoming aroused by his spouses touch or appearance.
In our day and age, it is so easy to be distracted with so many other things. When men are distracted whether it be with work, hobbies, television and sports, or other things, it can cause them to loose focus on what’s most important and neglect the connection with their spouse.
Fear Of Rejection
We have done a ton of polls and talked to a lot of men that completely stop initiating sexual intimacy for the fear of being rejected. They are so scared of being rejected, they would rather not even try as that is less painful to them. So their answer to that is to just give up on sex completely, and over time loose any desire or interest in sex.
A low sex drive is a common concern that many men face at some point in their lives. Understanding the various factors that can contribute to decreased libido is essential, as it can help individuals and couples address the issue effectively.
Open communication with a spouse and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, such as doctors or therapists, can provide valuable insights and solutions to improve sexual desire and overall sexual well-being. Remember that sexual desire is a complex aspect of human life, and addressing its ebbs and flows with understanding and patience is crucial for maintaining a satisfying and healthy sex life.
Ultimate Intimacy