When it comes to sex and the way it is portrayed in the movies, it always seems like both spouses are in the mood and naturally initiate it together. However, in reality, there is usually one spouse who is more likely to initiate sex in the relationship. Society has conditioned us to believe that men should be the pursuers and women should be pursued. As a result, many women may feel less comfortable initiating sex, and even men can feel nervous about the possibility of rejection.
The other reason this happens is men tend to have a spontaneous desire style which means they can be ready to go at a moments notice, while most women tend to have a responsive desire style.

Over time, couples can stop initiating sex for various reasons, and this can lead to both spouses feeling undesired and unsatisfied. It’s important for couples to open up communication about sex and discuss their needs and desires. This can help to create a more balanced approach to initiating sex, which can ultimately lead to greater satisfaction in the relationship.
Studies have shown that couples who both initiate sex on a more balanced basis tend to experience greater sexual satisfaction in their relationship. So, it’s important for both spouses to take an active role in initiating sex to help ensure that both of you feel equally loved and desired.
There are many ways to initiate sex, and it’s important to find out what works best for the both of you. Some people prefer verbal or physical initiations, while others may prefer to be surprised or prepared. It’s important to communicate with your spouse and find out what they like.
Some tips for initiating sex include expressing your sexual desires to your spouse, approaching them directly, using touch to show your affection, being romantic throughout the day, giving gifts or leaving surprises, or simply getting naked and jumping into bed together.
Finding a balance in initiating sex can help to improve your sex life and overall satisfaction in your relationship. One fun way to encourage both spouses to initiate sex is to use a bowl and two different colored marbles (blue for the husband and pink for the wife). Each time a spouse initiates sex, they can add a marble of their respective color to the bowl. The goal is to keep the colors balanced, which can help to encourage both spouses to initiate sex more frequently.
In conclusion, initiating sex is an important aspect of any healthy relationship. It’s important for both spouses to take an active role in initiating sex and to communicate with each other about their needs and desires. By finding a balance in initiating sex, couples can experience greater sexual satisfaction and a stronger connection in their relationship.
Also check out our great podcast: 105. Dealing With Different Sex Drives And Why You Need To Find A Balance In Your Marriage

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