Communication really is the cornerstone of a good relationship. But often times couples find themselves fighting and arguing more than connecting. Is it due to the lack of communication skills, or different communication styles? There are many reasons why couples find themselves constantly trying to resolve conflict, but these all star podcast episodes can help you learn how to resolve conflict and have a much happier marriage!
You can also check out similar blog articles associated with each one of them below each podcast episode.

EPISODE 233. Do You Want To Be Right.. Or Do You Want To Be Happy? Plus Our Crazy Poll Results
It’s human nature to want to be right. We all crave validation. However in relationships, striving to be right at all costs can lead to conflicts and strain in your marriage.
We have all either been in, or have seen couples argue about the most small and ridiculous things. And instead of letting it go and moving on, the argument escalates and turns into something HUGE because one of the spouses has to be right.
In this episode, we share experiences of our own, and discuss why it is more important to choose to be happy, than to be right. If you find yourself in this type of behavior, then this episode is for you!
Blog Article: Do You Want to Be Right or Do You Want to Be Happy in Marriage?
EPISODE 174. Why It’s So Important To Know And Understand Your Spouse’s Personality Type
Are you (or your spouse) an introvert or extrovert? Are one of you a thinker vs feeler? Do you plan things out or are you spontaneous? Do you have an assertive or accommodating personality?
Imagine the frustration if one spouse is an introvert and wants to stay at home all the time and the other spouse wants to get out of the house and be around friends and family, or one spouse is spontaneous while the other likes to have things planned out.
These differences happen all the time and can cause issues in the relationship if they are not talked about openly together, and if couples do not understand each others personality type.
We often don’t consider how important knowing and understanding each others personality types in in marriage. In this podcast episode, Nick and Amy discuss why it is so important to know and understand each others personality type in your marriage and how to find balance when you have different personality types instead of letting the differences divide you and cause conflict in the marriage.
Blog Article: Do You Know Your Spouses Personality Type?
EPISODE 169. Tips To Have Amazing Communication With Your Spouse
We talk about communication often, but there is a reason why. When couples contact us about issues they are dealing with in their relationship, or how they want to improve something, the first question we ask is “have to talked to your spouse?”
Almost every response the answer is “well no, I haven’t.” It is amazing how many couples can’t and don’t communicate how they are feeling for fear of rejection or having it cause an argument.
We believe almost every issue can be resolved with good communication. In this episode, Nick and Amy talk about “how” to communicate, and the things couples can do do make their communication a lot better, and have a lot less conflict. There are some sarcastic and joking conversations in this episode, and we have some fun with them.
Even if you feel you have good communication in your relationship, there are tips in this episode that will be greatly beneficial. This episode is a must listen for all couples looking to improve their marriage and communication.
Blog Article: Tips for Excellent Communication in Marriage
EPISODE 111. The Podcast Episode That Will Transform Your Marriage!
This has to be one of the best podcast episodes we have done, with information applicable to every relationship. In this episode Nick and Amy interview Tamara Fackrell (she is a divorce attorney, author and has a PHD in marriage and family relationships). Yes, you heard that correctly, a divorce attorney that is fighting to help couples not only survive, but thrive in marriage!
In this episode Tamara shares 10 things that can help with conflict resolution. The steps she provides are so simple and easy to understand, and are things that couples can do to transform their marriage quickly and keep them thriving in their relationship.
Trust us, this will be an episode that could be a game changer in your marriage… even if you already have a good marriage 🙂
Blog Article: The best Conflict Resolution advice ever
EPISODE 97. What Are Your Communication Styles?.. And How Knowing Your Style Can Change Your Marriage
We talk often about how communication is probably the most important aspect in marriage and how couples can resolve almost any issue with open and honest communication.
But so many couples have a hard time communicating. Not necessarily because they don’t want to communicate, but because each spouse might have a different “communication style” which is “how” they communicate (or don’t communicate).
It is vital to know each others communication style so you can better learn how to effectively communicate with each other.
In this episode Nick and Amy interview Denise and Oliver Marcelle about an article they wrote called “Communication Styles – What’s yours?” and dive into the different styles and how to address them in a relationship.
As communication is VITAL to a healthy and happy marriage, this is an episode will won’t want to miss. Find out your communication style as well as your spouses to learn how to communicate better and more effectively.
Blog Article: Communication Styles: What Are They And Why They Matter
We hope that these podcast episodes can offer great information and tools to help you reduce the conflict in your marriage. Check out many more tools in the Ultimate Intimacy App which you can download for free on both Amazon and the App Store!