Focus On The How
What is it that creates the intensity in certain conversations with your spouse? What moves a conversation between two people from the issue at hand
Read MoreWhat is the difference between rules and boundaries?
Setting good boundaries in marriage is crucial for building a happy, healthy and lasting relationship. But what do boundaries look like in practice? This post
Read MoreWhy is emotional intimacy so important in marriage?
Emotional intimacy is an important part of a healthy marriage. But what exactly is emotional intimacy? Emotional intimacy is the ability to share your feelings
Read MoreWhy is Laughter So Important for your Marriage?
You can also check out the Ultimate Intimacy Podcast episode 92. “Why Laughing And Humor Is So Important To Your Marriage And Long Term Well
Read MoreFinancial Infidelity Can Destroy Your Marriage
What Is Financial Infidelity Infidelity is the the act of engaging in sexual or emotional intimacy behind your spouses back, and outside your marriage. Financial
Read MoreThe benefits of holding hands.
Todays marriage challenge, found HERE, is to go on a walk and more specifically, hold hands while walking. Why? because holding hands has so many
Read MoreThe Best gift you can give is time. Introducing the New Ultimate Sexy and Romantic Intimacy Coupon Book
“Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can’t make more
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